Product Visualization - HP Laptop Omen 015
2 weeks assignment

source: https://www.design-burger.com/zarki-keyboard
Motion Guide for animation
(in sequence)

Motion preview
Feedback was primarily on camera speed and overall timing
Preview with light & texture
Feedback was as follows:
* overall looks good except for the last scene.
* increase brightness by 10-20%
* visible lines on texture edges
Emission and color from the text is bad and overall the background needs work, font and color needs to be adjusted.
I then got the suggestion to try and mimick the scene from my motion guide sheet. the last scene in particular.
Added notes to self:
Had a texture with displacement accidently plugged in which caused artifacts on my usb ports. Also due to having different colorspace on render and viewport display it made it difficult to pick the right hue value.
Final result
Total hours: 60 hours
Planing & previews
Cadprep 4h
Modelling 8h
Animation 4h
Light 7h
UV 2h
Texturing 7h
Adjustments 2h
Nuke 4h
Editing 7h